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Hallo my name is Gonzalo, but Gon-chan is easier. I love to travel and meet people. I enjoy teaching English, Spanish or German, sharing nice experiences having a bite in a nice caffe. I hope to know more about Japan here!
Currently working in Robotics Research at the University of Waseda under a multidisciplinary team conformed mainly of Japanese researchers.<BR><BR>Language Work Experience<BR>Junior High Students English Summer Camp Captain and support staff in Nasu, Japan<BR>Translator for Toyota Boshoku in Monterrey Mexico<BR><BR>Engineering Work<BR>Engineering Consultant for many companies in Germany<BR>System Architect for Alpine in Munich Germany<BR><BR>Education<BR>Mechatronics Engineering from Tec de Monterrey in Mexico.<BR>Masters in Automation Technology and IT from Esslingen University of Applied Sciences in Germany.<BR><BR>Experience working in multicultural and multidisciplinary teams. Highly motivated and able to work under pressure.<BR><BR>Commendable interpersonal communication skills together with a friendly and open character.
現在の職業 | Research Student |
日本滞在歴 | 2013/08 |
教える言語 | |
趣 味 | Swimming, soccer, running, photography, travelling, karate |
日本語レベル | 上級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 |
Robot technology and mechatronics systems
日比谷線 上野 秋葉原 人形町 八丁堀 築地 東銀座 銀座 日比谷 霞ケ関 神谷町 六本木 広尾 東西線 高田馬場 早稲田 神楽坂 飯田橋 九段下 竹橋 大手町 日本橋 茅場町 門前仲町 木場 東陽町
西早稲田 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン
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