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鴻巣 - 韓国語教室 マンツーマンレッスンの講師



韓国語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -鴻巣 ナバロビリー 先生をご紹介



講師番号 / お名前 NO. 3040 . Navarro Billy / ナバロ ビリー 先生
お名前-韓国語 - 先生
更新日時 2021/08/20
年 齢 51 歳
居住地 埼玉県 鴻巣市
最寄駅 鴻巣
性 別 男性
血液型 B型
国籍/出身地 ペルー / Peru
韓国語講師暦 2021年12月
「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン





I lived in Peru and Spain, so I can teach you Spanish from both sides, Latinamerica and Spain, then I can explain the differences and similarities and their cultures.
I have studied English my whole life. Also, I have attended International Business Economic classes at Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain. Although all classes were taught in English, my level in this language is quite high for Business English.
Depending on how many students I teach, my schedule could be flexible.





2010 ? 2013 Bachelor’s degree in INTERNATIONAL BUSSINESS ECONOMICS
2nd. year - Courses taught in English
Pompeu Fabra University - UPF, Barcelona, Spain

University of Barcelona ? UB, Barcelona, Spain
Escola Universitaria d’Hoteleria i Turisme ? CETT, Barcelona, Spain

1995 ? 2001 Bachelor’s degree in TOURISM
(National University of Trujillo, Peru)
Degree approved to “Diplomat in Tourism” by the Spanish Ministry of Science and
Innovation in 2009

Work Experience
April 2020 - up to present Assistant Language Teacher ? ALT (Real Communication Solutions - RCS)
Assisting the homeroom teachers in the English language teaching at the same assigned public elementary schools as the 2019-2020 school year. Encouraging students to communicate as much as possible in English. Planning the lessons and other language teaching tasks such as games, songs, and collaborative activities, which serve as the platform for the use of English.

Apr. 2019 - Mar. 2020 Assistant Language Teacher ? ALT (CityStaff)
Assisting the Japanese teachers of English at the assigned public elementary school, to deliver lessons in the classroom, to plan the lectures and other language teaching tasks.
Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

Apr. 2018 ? March 2019 Assistant Language Teacher ? ALT (Heart Corporation)
Assisting the Japanese teachers of English at the assigned junior high school, to deliver lessons in the classroom, to plan the lectures and other language teaching tasks. As well, participating in the selection and coaching of the students for the upcoming speech and recitation contest.
Kita-Ageo, Saitama Prefecture.

2014 ? up to present “Spanish and English Teacher ? Freelance.”
Teaching the Spanish language (Castilian Spanish vs. Latin American Spanish ? similarities and differences). Teaching the English Language (Grammar, Vocabulary and the four skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing)
Saitama Prefecture.

2014 (Apr. ? Oct.) Supervisor (J.T. Corporation)
Providing outsourced recruiting services to corporate clients. Organizing the daily transportation means to/from the working place for the employees and receiving a regular follow-up about their professional performance as part of the supervising responsibility during the contractual period.
Tachikawa shi, Tokyo.

2008 ? 2012 “Customer Service” (Serveis de Control Grama SL)
Handling incoming calls from customers, responding to inquires, resolving problems, etc.
Santa Coloma de Gramenet, Barcelona.

Oct. ? Nov. 2011 “Freelance Sales Agent” Best House Group ? Barcelona 1 Office
Collecting properties for sale or rent.

June 2009 “Agent - Customer / Passenger Service” (Newco Airport Services)
Check and process flight documentation, correct and accurate processing of Star Alliance passenger’s baggage.
El Prat de Llobregat, Barcelona.

Apr. ? Jul.2008 “Administrative Assistant ? Sell out” (Group Fresc Co)
Finding Sales Opportunities, visiting clients, identifying their needs and offering solutions, office tasks.

2003 “Assistant ? Private Investment Promotion Office (OPIP)”
Controlling the documentation, managing the touristic facilities and planning the touristic development of the PEJEZA influenced areas.
Cajamarca, Peru.

2002 “Coordinator ? Counseling of Cultural Events, Art, Folklore and Tourism”
Organizing cultural activities, awareness events and touristic training and touristic planning of the district.
Trujillo, Peru.

2001 “Consultant - Project DRIT LL” (Industry and Tourism Regional Direction)
Sensitizing the local government authorities of La Libertad region, training events organization for small and medium sized companies and collaborating in the regional touristic planning.
Trujillo, Peru.

2001 “Assistant - Touristic Information Service” (PromPer?)
Providing touristic information at Jorge Chavez International Airport, up-dating the touristic information and organizing events.
Lima, Peru.

Other Work Experiences

Jul 2013 - Jan 2014 Quality Control J.T. Corporation
2008 ? 2009 Inventories (specific days) Randstad Employment-Barcelona
2004 ? 2006 Quality Control Hiroshima, Japan.
2003 - 2004 Quality Control Asahi Planning - Hiroshima, Japan


? Spanish Native Mother tongue
? English Advanced Universitary studies are taught in English
? Catalan Intermediate Courses at Consorci per a la Normalitzaci? Ling??stica.
? Japanese Basic I am living in Japan.

Complementary Education

07/2020“American English Live 8.6 ? Classmates as Language earning Allies: Activities to Encourage Student-to-Student Interaction” American English & U.S. Department of State.
05/2020 ? 06/2020 “Teaching Grammar Communicatively.” World Learning & U.S. Department of State. (www. canvas.net, USA)
02/2020 ? 04/2020 “Using Educational Technology in the English Learning Classroom.” Iowa State University & U.S. Department of State. (www. canvas.net, USA)
11/2019 ? 02/2020 “English Pronunciation in a Global World.” Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. (www.futurelearn.com, NLD)
09/2019 ? 10/2019 “Content-based Instruction.” World Learning & U.S. Department of State. (www. canvas.net, USA)
07/2019 ? 08/2019 “Integrating Critical Thinking Skills into the Exploration of Culture in an EFL Setting.” World Learning & U.S. Department of State. (www. canvas.net, USA)
04/2019 - 05/2019 Teaching English to Young Learners (K-12) George Mason University and U.S. Department of State.
07/2018 ? 08/2018 “Tricky American English Pronunciation”. University of California, Irvine - UCI.
(www. coursera.org, USA)
10/2016 ? up to present “TESOL Certificate, Part 2: Teach English Now!”. Arizona State University ? ASU.
(www. coursera.org, USA)
06/2016 ? 10/2016 “TESOL Certificate, Part 1: Teach English Now!”. Arizona State University ? ASU.
(www. coursera.org, USA)
11/2015 ? 12/2015 “Digital Branding and Engagement, MKT1X ? CurtinX” (www.edx.org, AUS)
04/2015 ? 05/2015 “Academic and Business Writing, ColWri2.3x ? UC BerckelyX” (www.edx.org, USA)
02/2015 ? 03/2015 “Introduction to Global Hospitality Management, HOSP.101x ? CornellX” (www.edx.org,
02/2015 ? 03/2015 “English Grammar and Essay Writing, ColWri2.2x ? UC BerckelyX” (www.edx.org, USA)
09/2014 ? 10/2014 “Principles of Written English, ColWri2.1x ? UC BerckelyX” (www.edx.org, USA)
11/2012 ? 05/2013 “360? Innovation Course” (UPF ? Bankinter Foundation for Innovation, Barcelona)
10/2012 ? 11/2012 “Stock Exchange Course” (Scholarfolks, Barcelona)
07/2012 “Photoshop” (Foment del Treball Nacional, Barcelona, Spain)
03/2012 ? 04/2012 “Community Manager Course” (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
03/2012 ? 03/2012 “Financial Accounting for Adminstratives” (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain)
05/2010 ? 07/2010 “Travel agent, selling tourism products and services” (Escuela Superior de
02/2012 ? 06/2012 Turismo, Barcelona, Spain)
02/2010 ? 04/2010 “Excel, Advanced level” (Foment del Treball Nacional, Barcelona, Spain)
06/2009 “Inicial course of traffic and dangerous goods (IATA ? CAT 9 (CIT 13/09)” (Newco Airport Services, Barcelona, Spain)
12/2006 ? 02/2007 “Travel Agent” (AVBC Formaci?n e Inserci?n Laboral, Barcelona, Spain)
Seminars, conferences and courses
? “Entrepreneuring towards your happiness” (Pompeu Fabra University UPF, Barcelona)
? “Design Thinking” (Barcelona Laboratory, Barcelona)
? “IESE MBA Alumni Reunion” (IESE Business School ? University of Navarra, Barcelona)
? “Latest trends in Digital Marketing: Neuromarketing on Big Data (Business Shuttle - Pompeu Fabra University UPF, Barcelona)
? “Brand Journalism, Eroski case” (Social Media Point ? SPM, Barcelona.
? “Atrapalo, a successful story” (Business Shuttle - Pompeu Fabra University UPF, Barcelona)
? “Connect your business: A corporative website, booking system or an online store” (Cibernarium, Barcelona)
? “Dreamweaver: Advanced aspects and creation of behavior” (Cibernarium, Barcelona)
? “Effective planification for a web project” (Cibernarium, Barcelona)
? “APPS for mobiles: More productivity and more gaining of clients for less” (Genaker ? PIMEC, Barcelona)
? “Discovering how to seek a job in Hospitality and Tourism” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “E-commerce” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “Sell and lead your company to Success” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “How to incorporate the design in the strategy of my company” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “How to do a market study” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “Sales Techniques” (Formaci?n Manpower, Barcelona)
? “99% practice 1% theory: Negociation T?chniques” (Barcelona Activa, Barcelona)
? “Introduction to the IV Study of CRM in Espa?a” (Asociaci?n Espa?ola de Comercio Electr?nico y Marketing Relacional y Federaci?n Espa?ola de Comercio Electr?nico y Marketing Directo, Barcelona)

「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン

現在の職業 Assistant Language Teacher - ALT (English)
日本滞在歴 2013/06
教える言語 英語
趣 味 Movies, Travel, Music, Soccer, etc
日本語レベル 初級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供
教えるレベル 基礎 、初心者 、中級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス


07:00-08:00 × × × × × × ×
08:00-12:00 × × × × ×
12:00-17:00 × × × × ×

MON(月) 18~24
TUE(火) 18~24 
WED(水) 18~24
THU(木) 18~24
FRI(金) 18~24
SAT(土) 8~24
SUN(日) 8~24


Travel Industry




湘南新宿ライン 大宮 高崎線 浦和 さいたま新都心 大宮 宮原 上尾 北上尾 桶川 北本 鴻巣 北鴻巣 吹上 行田 熊谷

鴻巣 駅近くの韓国語教室の講師

「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン

鴻巣 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン

  • ハングルドットコムでは、日本人の生徒にレッスンを通じて、韓国人の先生とコミュニケーションをとり、韓国の文化や習慣を知ってもらい 韓国をもっと好きになってもらうため。
     そして、先生が帰国したら、今度は、先生としてではなく、お互い友達 として一緒に過ごせたら、年を取ってからもずっと関係が続いたら、素敵だと思いませんか。
  • 鴻巣 近くのカフェでの韓国人の先生とマンツーマン。教室のように堅苦しい雰囲気がなく、実践と同じ環境で、楽しいと好評です。
  • 教材は生徒さんが希望するものか、ピッタリ合った教材を、先生と一緒にお選びいただけます。スクールで教材を販売することはありません
  • レッスン料は、60分3000円。レッスンの長さは60分、90分。あなたにピッタリな長さで自由に決められます。
  • ピッタリの先生が見つかるまで、何度でも、無料体験レッスンで較べてください。
「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン