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Hello, my name is Maria and I am glad I can help you improve your language skills in both Spanish or English. I came to Japan to study more about education. I have noticed many students do understand foreign languages; however, they are afraid of having a conversation. I can help you with some techniques to break the ice and take the risk of having a pleasant conversation in the target language. I believe vocabulary, verbs and a little bit of grammar will totally make you succeed in the process.
I hope you take the risk and get ready to learn and improve your foreign language with my help. Hope to see you soon.
My native language is Spanish and I studied English education in Costa Rica. Since we speak Spanish in Costa Rica, I decided to become an English teacher and I got a bachelor's degree in English teaching from a good university. I have taught in junior, senior high school and universities for five years with excellent results.
I came to Japan to learn more about the education system and I have found many people interested in learning foreign languages. The times now demand people who can speak more than one language and if you have the opportunity to learn or improve one, don't hesitate to take the chance to learn it.
現在の職業 | Teacher |
日本滞在歴 | 2015/09 |
教える言語 | |
趣 味 | Reading, talking to people and get to know other cultures. |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 |
金山 八事日赤 上前津 栄 名古屋
名鉄名古屋 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン
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