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If you want to learn a new language the best way to do it is by having fun. I have patient and have experience with children and students. I would prefer students from Tochigi, Saitama or Tokyo. If it is your first time having a teacher do not be afraid! Let's look for a cafe or an interest place to study. Let's study step by step. If you are foreigner I also can teach you Japanese. Available lesson time could be change, just ask me and we could see where and when can we study. Your success will be my success.
English teacher for children.
Japanese teacher for children.
Spanish teacher for university students.
現在の職業 | University student |
日本滞在歴 | 2016/10 |
教える言語 | |
趣 味 | I like to read books and write poems. I like to study foreign languages and learn about culture of many countries. |
日本語レベル | 中級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | |
教える内容 | 日常会話 |
Liberal arts
東武スカイツリーライン 松原団地 草加 せんげん台 越谷 新越谷 春日部 新田 東武動物公園 蒲生
草加 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン
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