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早稲田 - 韓国語教室 マンツーマンレッスンの講師



韓国語教室 マンツーマンレッスン -早稲田 ペラエズエドガル 先生をご紹介

韓国語講師【ペラエズエドガル 】


講師番号 / お名前 NO. 3818 . Pelaez Edgar / ペラエズ エドガル  先生
お名前-韓国語 - 先生
更新日時 2021/06/18
年 齢 40 歳
居住地 東京都 新宿区
最寄駅 早稲田
性 別 男性
血液型 O型
国籍/出身地 メキシコ / Mexico City
韓国語講師暦 2017年3月
「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン



I came to study at Waseda University. I want to help people achieved their dreams and introduce them to my culture.


I am very calm and patient. Fun, encouraging and kind teaching environment. English for business and casual situations. My specialties include academic and business writing, editing and presentations, as well as, language instruction for networking and meeting new people.


Always respectful and adapt to the students requirements.


[AUGUST 2018] ?[MARCH 2020] JAPAN Ambassadors Program / Visual Industry Promotion Organization (VIPO), Tokyo.
Build up an influencers network and maintain cordial communication with them, looking forward to collaborating in different inbound marketing projects involving Japanese cultural industries. Academic research support for different projects. International communication in English and Spanish. Networking with different international student organizations.
[AUGUST 2017] ? [AUGUST 2018] Coordinator CoFesta Ambassadors Program / Visual Industry Promotion Organization (VIPO), Tokyo.
Coordination and management of the Japan International Contents Festival (CoFesta) Ambassadors Program. Management of influencers program; manage SNS campaigns; prepare research and surveys according to the needs of the different CoFesta Events; collaborate on the advertising campaigns and PR of different CoFesta Events (Anime Japan, Tokyo Game Show, InterBEE, Japan Contents Showcase, etc.). Networking with different student organizations and media contents companies.
[AUGUST 2015] ? [MARCH 2017] PR Officer CoFesta Ambassadors Program / Revamp Corporation, Tokyo.
Assist in the coordination and management of the CoFesta Ambassadors Program. Promote recruitment for the program, maintain relations with Ambassadors; collaborate with SNS campaigns; prepare research and surveys according to the needs of the different CoFesta events; produce and review content for SNS.
[AUGUST 2013] ? [JANUARY 2015] Travel Journalist / BMJ Exchange Association, Tokyo.
Travel journalist for the English and Spanish versions of “Beautiful and Mysterious Japan” website. Designed and wrote the travel guide for Akihabara, which work as a model for the rest of guides written by other reporters.
[JUNE 2010] ? [FEBRUARY 2012] Media Manager and Public Relations Officer / Consulate of Mexico in Fresno, California.
Manage the diplomatic office relations with local media. Implementation of the marketing campaigns for the Consulate's public events. Coordination of the Consulate's services and human rights campaigns; as well as radio and TV PSAs. Organization of the diplomatic office’s media agenda, interviews and press conferences. Appearance on interviews for printed, audio and visual media. Establishing new working relationships with the different media in the eight counties of the Consulate's circumscription.
Teaching Experience:
[Marcho 20202 - to the present] English Languag Instructor at Gaba.

[OCTOBER 2018] Academic Expert “Spanish Language and Latin American Culture”/ Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
Expert on Spanish Language and Latin American Culture. Language and Culture lessons for Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra and their staff in preparation for their 2019 Latin America Tour.

[OCTOBER 2018] Academic Expert “Akihabara and Otaku Culture”/ The European Network on Cultural Management and Policy (ENCATC).
Expert on Japanese Pop Culture and Otaku Subculture during ENCATC’s International Study Tour in Japan. Lead a walking class through Akihabara to explained attendants the history as well as the different aspects of Otaku Subculture, Modern Japanese Pop Culture and the Cool Japan Strategy.

[OCTOBER 2015 - PRESENT] PHD in International Studies / Waseda University, Tokyo.
PhD Candidate at the Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies at Waseda University. Thesis Topic: “From Poachers to Brokers: The role of local actors in the promotion and distribution of Japanese Media Contents in Mexico”.
[SEPTEMBER 2013 ? SEPTEMBER 2015] MA International Relations / Waseda University, Tokyo.
Thesis: “Analysis of the Cultural Exchange between Mexico and Japan - A study of the influence of Anime and Manga among the Mexican students community in Land of the Rising Sun -.”
Member of the “Highest Honors List.” President of GSAPS Student Association (GSA).
[JANUARY 2004 ? JULY 2010]Bachelors International Relations / ITAM, Mexico.
Thesis “Definition of Japanese Leadership in the International System.” “Highest Honors List.”

「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン

現在の職業 Ph.D. Candidate Waseda University
日本滞在歴 2012/04
教える言語 英語
趣 味 I enjoy music, I play the drums in a rock band with my friends and other percussion instruments like cajon. I also enjoy dancing
日本語レベル 中級
教える対象 成人男性 、成人女性
教えるレベル 基礎 、初心者 、中級 、上級
教える内容 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス


07:00-08:00 × × × × × × ×
08:00-12:00 × ×
12:00-17:00 × × × × ×
17:00-22:00 × × ×

MON(月) 11:00~19:00
TUE(火) 11:00~19:00
WED(水) 09:00~12:00
THU(木) 09:00~12:00
FRI(金) 09:00~12:00
SAT(土) 20:30~21:30
SUN(日) 20:30~21:30


Business and casual situations, support with presentations and also develop conversational skills for networking. Besides language you can also ask me to teach you about culture.





有楽町線 飯田橋 有楽町 東西線 中野 高田馬場 早稲田 神楽坂 飯田橋

早稲田 駅近くの韓国語教室の講師

「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン

早稲田 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン

  • ハングルドットコムでは、日本人の生徒にレッスンを通じて、韓国人の先生とコミュニケーションをとり、韓国の文化や習慣を知ってもらい 韓国をもっと好きになってもらうため。
     そして、先生が帰国したら、今度は、先生としてではなく、お互い友達 として一緒に過ごせたら、年を取ってからもずっと関係が続いたら、素敵だと思いませんか。
  • 早稲田 近くのカフェでの韓国人の先生とマンツーマン。教室のように堅苦しい雰囲気がなく、実践と同じ環境で、楽しいと好評です。
  • 教材は生徒さんが希望するものか、ピッタリ合った教材を、先生と一緒にお選びいただけます。スクールで教材を販売することはありません
  • レッスン料は、60分3000円。レッスンの長さは60分、90分。あなたにピッタリな長さで自由に決められます。
  • ピッタリの先生が見つかるまで、何度でも、無料体験レッスンで較べてください。
「創業2002年12月・延べ4.9万人以上の生徒さんが、受講した実績と信頼あるレッスン」 無料体験レッスン