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Coordination and logistic of sea cargo import for 9 years. Preparation and control of documentation, for customer and agents. Fluent communication skills. Invoices, payments and different types of administrative paperwork. Deep knowledge in several data entry software.
Teaching experience:Less than 6 months in Argentina of personal classes to foreingners.
Education :
2011-2013- Bachelor's Degree: Graduated in International Commerce. -UNLaM (Universidad Nacional de La Matanza) Buenos Aires city, Argentina. www.unlam.edu.ar
2009-2010- Associate Degree: Technician in Customs and Foreign Trade.
2008-2009 -Associate Degree: Technician Customs Regime - IPCC (Instituto Profesional de Ciencias de la Comercializaci?n) - Buenos Aires City, Argentina. www.funicomapu.com.ar
2001-2003- High school: Graduated in Economics and Management of organizations. Instituto General Belgrano, Escobar, Buenos Aires province, Argentina.
Less than 6 months
現在の職業 | Japanese Student |
日本滞在歴 | 2016/08 |
教える言語 | |
趣 味 | Photography, travelling, cinema, music, reading, dancing, eating out. |
日本語レベル | 初級 |
教える対象 | 成人男性 、成人女性 、子供 |
教えるレベル | |
教える内容 | 日常会話 、状況場面 、ビジネス |
Graduate in International Commerce
丸ノ内線 東京 銀座 赤坂見附 四ツ谷 新宿
千代田線 赤坂 表参道
銀座線 銀座 赤坂見附 青山一丁目 表参道
埼京線 新宿 板橋
都営大江戸線 六本木 青山一丁目 新宿
四ツ谷 駅近くのカフェで韓国語レッスン
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